Cells, Builders and Slices

Cells, Builders and Slices

Cell is a low-level primitive that represents data in TON Blockchain. Cells consist of 10231023 bits of data with up to 44 references to another cells. They are read-only and immutable, and cannot have cyclic references.

Builder is an immutable primitive to construct cells, and Slice is a mutable primitive to parse them.


Be very careful when constructing and parsing cells manually, and always make sure to document their desired layout: a strict order of values and types for serialization and deserialization.

To do so, advanced users are recommended to use Type Language - Binary (TL-B) schemas (opens in a new tab).

And every user is recommended to use Structs and their methods like Struct.toCell() and Struct.fromCell() instead of manually constructing and parsing cells, because Structs and Messages are closest to being the living TL-B schemas of your contracts.


fun beginCell(): Builder

Creates a new empty Builder.

Usage example:

let fizz: Builder = beginCell();


fun emptyCell(): Cell;

Creates and returns an empty Cell (without data and references). Alias to beginCell().endCell().

Usage example:

let fizz: Cell = emptyCell();
let buzz: Cell = beginCell().endCell();
fizz == buzz; // true


fun emptySlice(): Slice;

Creates and returns an empty Slice (without data and references). Alias to emptyCell().asSlice().

Usage example:

let fizz: Slice = emptySlice();
let buzz: Slice = emptyCell().asSlice();
fizz == buzz; // true


extends fun beginParse(self: Cell): Slice;

Extension function for the Cell.

Opens the Cell for parsing and returns it as a Slice.

Usage example:

let c: Cell = emptyCell();
let fizz: Slice = c.beginParse();


extends fun hash(self: Cell): Int;

Extension function for the Cell.

Calculates and returns an Int value of the SHA-256 (opens in a new tab) hash of the standard Cell representation of the given Cell.

Usage example:

let c: Cell = emptyCell();
let fizz: Int = c.hash();


extends fun asSlice(self: Cell): Slice;

Extension function for the Cell.

Converts the Cell to a Slice and returns it. Alias to self.beginParse().

Usage example:

let c: Cell = emptyCell();
let fizz: Slice = c.asSlice();


extends fun endCell(self: Builder): Cell;

Extension function for the Builder.

Converts a Builder into an ordinary Cell.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Cell = b.endCell();


extends fun storeUint(self: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores an unsigned bits-bit value into the copy of the Builder for 00 ≤ bits 256≤ 256. Returns that copy.

Attempts to store a negative value or provide an insufficient or out-of-bounds bits number throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeUint(42, 6);


extends fun storeInt(self: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores a signed bits-bit value into the copy of the Builder for 00 ≤ bits 257≤ 257. Returns that copy.

Attempts to provide an insufficient or out-of-bounds bits number throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeUint(42, 7);


extends fun storeBool(self: Builder, value: Bool): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores a Bool value into the copy of the Builder. Writes 11 as a single bit if value is true, and writes 00 otherwise. Returns that copy of the Builder.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeBool(true);  // writes 1
let buzz: Builder = b.storeBool(false); // writes 0


extends fun storeSlice(self: Builder, cell: Slice): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores a Slice cell into the copy of the Builder. Returns that copy.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let s: Slice = emptyCell().asSlice();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeSlice(s);


extends fun storeCoins(self: Builder, value: Int): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores (serializes) an unsigned Int value in the range 0..212010 .. 2^{120} − 1 into the copy of the Builder. The serialization of value consists of a 44-bit unsigned big-endian integer ll, which is the smallest integer l0l ≥ 0, such that value <28l< 2^{8 * l}, followed by an 8l8 * l-bit unsigned big-endian representation of value. Returns that copy of the Builder.

Attempts to store an out-of-bounds value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

This is the most common way of storing nanoToncoins.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeCoins(42);


extends fun storeAddress(self: Builder, address: Address): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores the address in the copy of the Builder. Returns that copy.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeAddress(myAddress());


extends fun storeRef(self: Builder, cell: Cell): Builder;

Extension function for the Builder.

Stores a reference cell into the copy of the Builder. Returns that copy.

As a single Cell can store up to 44 references, attempts to store more throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Builder = b.storeRef(emptyCell());


extends fun refs(self: Builder): Int;

Extension function for the Builder.

Returns the number of cell references already stored in the Builder as an Int.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Int = b.refs(); // 0


extends fun bits(self: Builder): Int;

Extension function for the Builder.

Returns the number of data bits already stored in the Builder as an Int.

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Int = b.bits(); // 0


extends fun asSlice(self: Builder): Slice;

Extension function for the Builder.

Converts the Builder to a Slice and returns it. Alias to self.endCell().beginParse().

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Slice = b.asSlice();


extends fun asCell(self: Builder): Cell;

Extension function for the Builder.

Converts the Builder to a Cell and returns it. Alias to self.endCell().

Usage example:

let b: Builder = beginCell();
let fizz: Cell = b.asCell();


extends mutates fun loadUint(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads and returns an unsigned l-bit Int from the Slice for 00 ≤ l 256≤ 256.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.loadUint(7);


extends fun preloadUint(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;

Extension function for the Slice.

Preloads and returns an unsigned l-bit Int from the Slice for 00 ≤ l 256≤ 256. Doesn't modify the Slice.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to preload more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.preloadUint(7);


extends mutates fun loadInt(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads and returns a signed l-bit Int from the Slice for 00 ≤ l 257≤ 257.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.loadInt(7);


extends fun preloadInt(self: Slice, l: Int): Int;

Extension function for the Slice.

Preloads and returns a signed l-bit Int from the Slice for 00 ≤ l 257≤ 257. Doesn't modify the Slice.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to preload more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.preloadInt(7);


extends mutates fun loadBits(self: Slice, l: Int): Slice;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads 00 ≤ l 1023≤ 1023 bits from the Slice, and returns them as a separate Slice.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Slice = s.loadBits(7);


extends fun preloadBits(self: Slice, l: Int): Slice;

Extension function for the Slice.

Preloads 00 ≤ l 1023≤ 1023 bits from the Slice, and returns them as a separate Slice. Doesn't modify the original Slice.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to preload more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let fizz: Slice = s.preloadBits(7);


extends mutates fun skipBits(self: Slice, l: Int);

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads all but the first 00 ≤ l 1023≤ 1023 bits from the Slice.

Attempts to specify an out-of-bounds l value throw an exception with exit code 5: Integer out of expected range.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
s.skipBits(5);                   // all but first 5 bits
let fizz: Slice = s.loadBits(1); // load only 1 bit


extends mutates fun loadBool(self: Slice): Bool;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads a single bit and returns a Bool value from the Slice. Reads true if the loaded bit is equal to 11, and reads false otherwise.

Attempts to load such Bool when Slice doesn't contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeBool(true).asSlice();
let fizz: Bool = s.loadBool(); // true


extends mutates fun loadCoins(self: Slice): Int;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads and returns serialized an unsigned Int value in the range 0..212010 .. 2^{120} - 1 from the Slice. This value usually represents the amount in nanoToncoins.

Attempts to load such Int when Slice doesn't contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeCoins(42).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.loadCoins();


extends mutates fun loadAddress(self: Slice): Address;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads and returns an Address from the Slice.

Attempts to load such Address when Slice doesn't contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeAddress(myAddress()).asSlice();
let fizz: Address = s.loadAddress();


extends mutates fun loadRef(self: Slice): Cell;

Extension mutation function for the Slice.

Loads the next reference from the Slice as a Cell.

Attempts to load such reference Cell when Slice doesn't contain it throw an exception with exit code 8: Cell overflow.

Attempts to load more data than Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Cell = s.loadRef();
let s: Slice = beginCell()
let ref1: Cell = s.loadRef();
let ref2: Cell = s.loadRef();


extends fun refs(self: Slice): Int;

Extension function for the Slice.

Returns the number of references in the Slice as an Int.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.refs();


extends fun bits(self: Slice): Int;

Extension function for the Slice.

Returns the number of data bits in the Slice as an Int.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.bits();


extends fun empty(self: Slice): Bool;

Extension function for the Slice.

Checks whether the Slice is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references). Returns true if it's empty, false otherwise.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Bool = s.empty();                     // false
let buzz: Bool = beginCell().asSlice().empty(); // true

Unlike Slice.endParse(), this function doesn't throw any exceptions even when the Slice is empty.


extends fun dataEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool;

Extension function for the Slice.

Checks whether the Slice has no bits of data. Returns true if it has no data, false otherwise.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Bool = s.dataEmpty();  // true
let s2: Slice = beginCell().storeInt(42, 7).asSlice();
let buzz: Bool = s2.dataEmpty(); // false


extends fun refsEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool;

Extension function for the Slice.

Checks whether the Slice has no references. Returns true if it has no references, false otherwise.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().storeRef(emptyCell()).asSlice();
let fizz: Bool = s.refsEmpty();                     // false
let buzz: Bool = beginCell().asSlice().refsEmpty(); // true


extends fun endParse(self: Slice);

Extension function for the Slice.

Checks whether the Slice is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references). If it's not, throws an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

let emptyOne: Slice = emptySlice();
emptyOne.endParse(); // nothing, as it's empty
let paul: Slice = "Fear is the mind-killer".asSlice();
try {
    paul.endParse(); // throws exit code 9


extends fun hash(self: Slice): Int;

Extension function for the Slice.

Calculates and returns an Int value of the SHA-256 (opens in a new tab) hash of the standard Cell representation of the given Slice.

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().asSlice();
let fizz: Int = s.hash();


extends fun asCell(self: Slice): Cell;

Extension function for the Slice.

Converts the Slice to a Cell and returns it. Alias to beginCell().storeSlice(self).endCell().

Usage example:

let s: Slice = beginCell().asSlice();
let fizz: Cell = s.asCell();
let buzz: Cell = beginCell().storeSlice(s).endCell();
fizz == buzz; // true


extends fun asSlice(self: Address): Slice;

Extension function for the Address.

Converts the Address to a Slice and returns it. Alias to beginCell().storeAddress(self).asSlice().

Usage example:

let a: Address = myAddress();
let fizz: Slice = a.asSlice();
let buzz: Slice = beginCell().storeAddress(a).asSlice();
fizz == buzz; // true


extends fun toCell(self: Struct): Cell;

Extension function for any structure type Struct.

Converts the Struct to a Cell and returns it.

Usage example:

struct GuessCoin {
    probably: Int as coins;
    nothing: Int as coins;
fun coinCell(): Cell {
    let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 };
    let fizz: Cell = s.toCell();
    return fizz; // "x{12A11B}"


extends fun fromCell(self: Struct, cell: Cell): Struct;

Extension function for any structure type Struct.

Converts a Cell into the specified Struct and returns that Struct.

Attempts to pass a Cell with layout different from the specified Struct or to load more data than a Cell contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

struct GuessCoin {
    probably: Int as coins;
    nothing: Int as coins;
fun directParse(payload: Cell): GuessCoin {
    return GuessCoin.fromCell(payload);
fun cautiousParse(payload: Cell): GuessCoin? {
    let coin: GuessCoin? = null;
    try {
        coin = GuessCoin.fromCell(payload);
    } catch (e) {
        dump("Cell payload doesn't match GuessCoin Struct!");
    return coin;


extends fun fromSlice(self: Struct, cell: Slice): Struct;

Extension function for any structure type Struct.

Converts a Slice into the specified Struct and returns that Struct.

Attempts to pass a Slice with layout different from the specified Struct or to load more data than a Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

struct GuessCoin {
    probably: Int as coins;
    nothing: Int as coins;
fun directParse(payload: Slice): GuessCoin {
    return GuessCoin.fromSlice(payload);
fun cautiousParse(payload: Slice): GuessCoin? {
    let coin: GuessCoin? = null;
    try {
        coin = GuessCoin.fromSlice(payload);
    } catch (e) {
        dump("Slice payload doesn't match GuessCoin Struct!");
    return coin;


extends fun toCell(self: Message): Cell;

Extension function for any message type Message.

Converts the Message to a Cell and returns it.

Usage example:

message GuessCoin {
    probably: Int as coins;
    nothing: Int as coins;
fun coinCell(): Cell {
    let s: GuessCoin = GuessCoin{ probably: 42, nothing: 27 };
    let fizz: Cell = s.toCell();
    return fizz; // "x{AB37107712A11B}"


extends fun fromCell(self: Message, cell: Cell): Message;

Extension function for any message type Message.

Converts a Cell into the specified Message and returns that Message.

Attempts to pass a Cell with layout different from the specified Message or to load more data than a Cell contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

message(0x777) TripleAxe {
    prize: Int as uint32;
fun directParse(payload: Cell): TripleAxe {
    return TripleAxe.fromCell(payload);
fun cautiousParse(payload: Cell): TripleAxe? {
    let coin: TripleAxe? = null;
    try {
        coin = TripleAxe.fromCell(payload);
    } catch (e) {
        dump("Cell payload doesn't match TripleAxe Message!");
    return coin;


extends fun fromSlice(self: Message, cell: Slice): Message;

Extension function for any message type Message.

Converts a Slice into the specified Message and returns that Message.

Attempts to pass a Slice with layout different from the specified Message or to load more data than a Slice contains throw an exception with exit code 9: Cell underflow.

Usage examples:

message(0x777) TripleAxe {
    prize: Int as uint32;
fun directParse(payload: Slice): TripleAxe {
    return TripleAxe.fromSlice(payload);
fun cautiousParse(payload: Slice): TripleAxe? {
    let coin: TripleAxe? = null;
    try {
        coin = TripleAxe.fromSlice(payload);
    } catch (e) {
        dump("Slice payload doesn't match TripleAxe Message!");
    return coin;